Monday, March 5, 2007

Ads 1 Viewer 0

Ever try to watch a movie on CITYTV?
I am not a big television watcher anymore, but every now and again on a quiet night a drop 'n flop in front of the box seems appropriate.
Last night was a case in point.
Supper was over dishes were done and someone in the house mentioned I,Robot was on
This Will Smith futuristic action flick seemed like a perfect timewaster and CITY had the movie in their listings.
I can't really tell you what the movie was like, but I can through repetition, recite every feature the station wants me to watch. Normally I would turn the channel, but curiosity made me stay with it
For every 16 minutes of movie, there were 14 minutes of advertising! Talk about flow!
And it wasn't even good advertising, the bulk of the presentation was station ads, you know non-paying station ads.
They're ticking me off, and they aren't even making money at it.
Every seven or eight minutes Ugly Betty was plugged, their cute as a button morning television personalities promoting their cute as a button personalities, and worse their weather guy taking to the streets, he promises to tell us what it is like outside. Granted the ad starts with a fellow eating cat food by mistake, but even that wears a little thin after the seventh or eighth viewing.
Honestly, I don't mind advertising, it is what makes the media world go round, but I hate being bullied particularly by the condecsending clowns the station has turned their on-air staff into.

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